The below mentioned are 14 common misconceptions about Digital marketing and advertising:

  1. Digital marketing means social media

Social media is a digital platform, not a digital marketing process. People usually relate digital marketing and advertising to social media. This deviates their idea about what digital marketing is all about.

  • Digital marketing- A broad concept

Digital marketing is a broad concept. It has various elements including social media. But social media is just an important part of digital marketing. Digital Marketing involves everything that uses computers, smart phones, tablets, billboards, radio or television etc. e-mails and mobile websites is its expanded form.

2. Not applicable for small businesses

We see big brands thriving through advertising in Digital platforms with good results. But a misconception by the small businesses that they are not applicable for digital marketing leaves them helpless.

  • Anybody can prefer digital marketing

Digital marketing helps you to communicate with the customers. It doesn’t matter what size your business is, you can still post yourself on social media and can express your product or service. Digital marketing helps them by providing tools to market their business.

3. Digital Marketing is expensive

This happens to various small business operations that they refuse marketing digitally. A belief that it’s an area that consumes much payment than usual business is a misconception.

  • Financial support available

The price tag that displays cost efficiency is something that brings hesitation in small businesses. But in reality, the market is growing each day and every part of it is developing and expanding. Many platforms are built with ranging costs that are affordable and cheaper. Companies like Facebook, Google are nowadays delivering financial support helping out many startups to showcase them.

There are also various digital marketing agencies that are ready providing unique strategies in digital marketing.

Visit for any kind of digital marketing and advertising.

4. Execution in digital marketing is difficulty

Many businesses leave digital marketing considering it as a difficult area. They believe that they lack manpower and money to indulge in this form of marketing.

  • Simple to Execute

It’s a major misconception when people find it difficult to execute their businesses through digital marketing. But,It’s the easier way. All you need to do is to fix your objective and run an online campaign. You can increase your conversion rates through various platforms. Taking help from a digital marketing agency will be helpful.

5. It is time-consuming

Certainly every medium takes its time. But considering digital media to the foremost is unfair. Digital marketing is a wider market with different platforms and it does not take the time as much as one expects. 

  • Least time consuming

With comparison to other mediums, digital marketing is the least time consuming. On the other hand social media keeps you informed and alert about consumer updates along with various tools.

6. Not significant in a business strategy

Simply involving digital marketing into the business without using it cannot encourage your business. Few companies do not develop this form of marketing overlooking the trends it has created.

  • Plays a major role in developing your business

Considering the importance of digital marketing through a data analysis can break the misconception. Due to digital marketing about

  • emails with special sharing button increases click-through rates by 158%
  • Regarding social media, the budget will be double within the next 5 years.
  • 68% of event marketer believe Digital marketing is the most effective medium
  • Nearly 50% of the content marketing companies follow strategies through digital media.

This analysis effectively displays the importance of digital in a business. Overlooking it can less intensify the business.

7. Applicable only for specific industries

If you really agree with this misconception, well then you lose your opportunity. Your business might be traditional or boring; but, that doesn’t mean digital marketing is not your cup of tea.

  • Even for Traditional businesses

A Digital platform is a huge cloud that covers maximum regions. It also provides separate platforms for specific businesses. No matter you are not delving into modern technologies and ideas, there are no rules in digital marketing.

The effectiveness of this form can forge any type of product or service to gather attention if used appropriately.

8. It doesn’t bring good results

Any content cannot generate results, specifically good results. Many businesses just aim at creating maximum contents and spreading it all over the medium. Well, that doesn’t work.

  • Good digital Marketing is necessary

 To develop a transfiguring digital marketing process you need to have an efficient strategy. Following steps like Probe, strategize, build, optimize, publish, promote, track and refine.

These are the basic steps that a business can follow to get the digital marketing on track.

9. No existence of SEO

Every website looks for a terrific conversion rate, but a misconception about the non-existence of search engine optimization leaves them behind. But on the other side, customers can only find your brand on the top through SEO.

  • SEO is still active

Digital marketing plays a major role in getting the ranking higher. That’s where SEO emerges and has importance. They can help you gain position in prominent search engines and can generate effective leads (look for the diagram above).

Believing that SEO is dead can bring your business to pour down.

According to researches and analysis,

In B2B- SEO plays about 57.4% of its role while,

In B2C it has 41% impact.

10. Difficult to measure

It is a pathetic misconception especially in this growing age of technology on digital platforms. Companies pull back their various important projects succumbing to this myth. It denies them the benefits of digital marketing.

  • Easily available and accessible

Every day a new application is developed increasing digital capability to its best. Nowadays, there are more up to date real- time data than ever before.

You can simply get your data analysis regarding the hike in visitors if you post on Facebook or twitter. They explain a proper web analytics with reliability.

11. Impossible to compete

New businesses avoid this market wondering about the competition. It is difficult to beat everyone but not impossible to compete. Being a new business, it’s all about how you stand out from the crowd.

  • Be Unique & stand out from the crowd

The competition in the digital platform is developing the standard of competition. If you want to exist, you need to fight them. It’s not easy neither very difficult.

You are there for a business and it needs attention. The process of having innovative functions is something that can let you stand out from the crowd. Believing that it’s difficult to compete in this market may keep you away from profit.
